This stock photo includes a snow-capped Mount Robson (3954 metres/12972 feet) which towers above a visitor information kiosk that is covered in deep snow in Mount Robson Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada. Mount Robson Provincial Park forms part of the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks UNESCO World Heritage Site. Mount Robson Provincial Park's namesake peak is the highest in the Canadian Rockies. Mount Robson Provincial Park is 217,200 hectares of stunning mountains, valleys, and waterways. Forests of spruce, fir, balsam, cedar and alder are home to an abundant array of wildlife including mountain goats, moose, deer, elk, marmot and squirrels and chipmunks. The Rearguard Falls of the Fraser River is the furthest migration point of the Pacific salmon. Access to Mount Robson Provincial Park begins at Tete Jaune Cache which is located on the Yellowhead Route (Highways 5 and 16).