hicker travel stock photography

Stock photo: Snowshoes on Mistaya River Bank Mount Sarbach Mistaya Canyon Banff National Park Alberta Canada

Stock photo of snowshoes stuck in the snow along the Mistaya River bank with Mount Sarbach in the background, Mistaya Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.

Stock photo of Snowshoes on Mistaya River Bank Mount Sarbach Mistaya Canyon Banff National Park Alberta Canada
Snowshoes stuck in the snow along the Mistaya River bank with Mount Sarbach in the background in Mistaya Canyon in Banff National Park in Alberta Canada
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    Snowshoes on Mistaya River Bank Mount Sarbach Mistaya Canyon Banff National Park Alberta Canada

    This stock photo includes a pair of snowshoes stuck in the snow along the Mistaya River bank with Mount Sarbach in the background, Mistaya Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada. Banff National Park also forms part of the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Snowshoes on Mistaya River Bank Mount Sarbach Mistaya Canyon Banff National Park Alberta Canada
    Stock photo of snowshoes stuck in the snow along the Mistaya River bank with Mount Sarbach in the background, Mistaya Canyon, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_31239_4_5_6_7_8_tonemapped-ed.jpg - Snowshoes on Mistaya River Bank Mount Sarbach Mistaya Canyon Banff National Park Alberta Canada
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