Stock photo: Peace Tower Tulip Garden Blue Sky Parliament Hill City of Ottawa
Stock photo of the Peace Tower in the Centre Block Parliament Buildings rising toward the clear blue sky on Parliament Hill in the City of Ottawa, as seen from the garden of red, orange, and yellow tulips that comprise the foreground. A strip of deep gree
Peace Tower Tulip Garden Blue Sky Parliament Hill City of Ottawa
This stock photo includes the Centre Block and Peace Tower of the Parliament Buildings and a garden of Tulips on Parliament Hill, City of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. A garden of red, orange, and yellow tulips makes up large foreground (bottom third) of this picture. A strip of deep green trees brings you up to the center, then a strip of Parliament Buildings with the Peace Tower filling the upper right portion of the scene, and a bright blue clear sky taking up the remaining background.
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Peace Tower Tulip Garden Blue Sky Parliament Hill City of Ottawa