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Stock photo: Canadian flag and peace tower at parliament hill Ottawa, Canada.

Stock photo of the Canadian flag in front of the Peace Tower of the Parliament Building and blue sky in Ottawa in Ontario, Canada.

Stock photo of Canadian flag and peace tower at parliament hill Ottawa, Canada.
Canadian Flag and Peace Tower at Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
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    Canadian flag and peace tower at parliament hill Ottawa, Canada.

    Peace Tower in the Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings and a Canadian National Flag, Parliament Hill, City of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The wafting
    Canadian flag just underneath the clock of the Peace Tower in front of clear blue sky.

    Canadian flag and peace tower at parliament hill Ottawa, Canada.
    Stock photo of the Canadian flag in front of the Peace Tower of the Parliament Building and blue sky in Ottawa in Ontario, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_11253-ed.jpg - Canadian flag and peace tower at parliament hill Ottawa, Canada.
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