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Stock photo: Young woman facial treatment beauty towels

A stock photo of a young woman with her eyes closed during a relaxing facial treatment.

Stock photo of Young woman facial treatment beauty towels
A young woman relaxes during a facial treatment at the Black Bear Resort.
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Stock Photos from the collection "Atlantic Canada Stock Photos"

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    Young woman facial treatment beauty towels

    This stock photo shows a young woman with her eyes closed during a relaxing facial treatment while at the Black Bear Resort.

    The young woman lays on a comfortable surface with a sheet below her and a soft white comforter laying on her. Her arm is laying outside and on top of the comforter.

    She wears a white towel as a turban around her head. The white turban holds her hair up. Two black bobby pins are clipped on the soft towel turban.

    A small hint of dark hair shows from the towel turban.

    The young woman’s eyes are closed and her cheeks are a light pink.

    A delicate gold necklace is around her neck and part of an earring can be seen at her earlobe.

    The light reflects on her tanned skin.

    A young woman with her eyes closed during a relaxing facial treatment.

    Young woman facial treatment beauty towels
    A stock photo of a young woman with her eyes closed during a relaxing facial treatment.
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    cdn_22v_27040-ed.jpg - Young woman facial treatment beauty towels
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