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Stock photo: Woman on Rock Ledge along the Agawa Rock Pictographs Trail in Lake Superior Provincial Park Ontario

Stock photo of a woman on a rocky ledge close to the water along the Agawa Rock Pictographs Trail in lake Superior Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada.

Stock photo of Woman on Rock Ledge along the Agawa Rock Pictographs Trail in Lake Superior Provincial Park Ontario
Woman at Agawa Rock Pictographs Site in Lake Superior Provincial Park in Ontario Canada
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    Woman on Rock Ledge along the Agawa Rock Pictographs Trail in Lake Superior Provincial Park Ontario

    This stock photo includes a woman taking in the scenery while standing at the top of a rock ledge that slopes quickly into the water, with a very high wall of solid rock to her left which is full of ancient pictographs, or native paintings. Likely to be between 150-400 years old, the pictographs of Agawa Rock were created by the Ojibwe people who made their paint using powdered haematite rock mixed with fish oil or animal fat.

    Woman on Rock Ledge along the Agawa Rock Pictographs Trail in Lake Superior Provincial Park Ontario
    Stock photo of a woman on a rocky ledge close to the water along the Agawa Rock Pictographs Trail in lake Superior Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_15244_5_8_tm-ed.jpg - Woman on Rock Ledge along the Agawa Rock Pictographs Trail in Lake Superior Provincial Park Ontario
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