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Stock photo: Windmill and Sawmill Shelter Mennonite Heritage Village Steinbach Manitoba Canada

Stock photo of the Windmill as seen from the Sawmill Shelter at the Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada.

Stock photo of Windmill and Sawmill Shelter Mennonite Heritage Village Steinbach Manitoba Canada
Windmill as seen from Sawmill Shelter at Mennonite Heritage Village Steinbach Manitoba Canada
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    Windmill and Sawmill Shelter Mennonite Heritage Village Steinbach Manitoba Canada

    This stock photo includes the Windmill (built in 2001) seen from the Sawmill Shelter at the Mennonite Heritage Village, Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada. The windmill represents the ingenuity and skill of the Mennonite pioneers who built these amazing structures in many of their principal villages in Southern Manitoba. The first windmill in Steinbach was built in 1877 by Abram Friesen, just three years after his arrival in the province. This windmill, built in 2001 by local trades people and Dutch millwrights, is fully operational and is to our knowledge the only working mill in Canada.

    Windmill and Sawmill Shelter Mennonite Heritage Village Steinbach Manitoba Canada
    Stock photo of the Windmill as seen from the Sawmill Shelter at the Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada.
    Stock photo ID
    cdn_22v_17467-ed.jpg - Windmill and Sawmill Shelter Mennonite Heritage Village Steinbach Manitoba Canada
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