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Stock photo: Two windmills alternative energy Bruce Peninsula Ontario Canada

Stock photo of alternative energy, windmills or wind turbines stand in a field on the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada.

Stock photo of Two windmills alternative energy Bruce Peninsula Ontario Canada
Tall windmills sit in an open field of green grass and yellow wild flowers on the Bruce Peninsula.
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    Two windmills alternative energy Bruce Peninsula Ontario Canada

    This stock photo shows the tall slender windmills on the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada.

    The windmills are also known as wind turbines. The wind turbines each have two narrow blades at the top of a tall thin pole. The blades turn by wind power to generate energy.

    The tall windmills sit in an open field of green grass with yellow wild flowers mixed in. A wire fence with wood posts seems to run endlessly in the foreground of the windmills. The edge of a barn sits to the right behind the wire fence. Another wood fence partly encircles the barn.

    The windmills tower high above the trees and the barn.

    Trees of varying colors and sizes sit behind the windmills add to the background.

    An amazing bright blue sky and a small soft layering of clouds add to the scenery.

    Windmills on the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada.

    Two windmills alternative energy Bruce Peninsula Ontario Canada
    Stock photo of alternative energy, windmills or wind turbines stand in a field on the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_13552-ed.jpg - Two windmills alternative energy Bruce Peninsula Ontario Canada
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