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Stock photo: sun rays through trees fallen tree by Virgin Falls

Stock photo of sun rays stream through forest trees and there is a fallen tree on rocks near river.

Stock photo of sun rays through trees fallen tree by Virgin Falls
Sun rays through the rain forest at Virgin Falls, British Columbia, Canada
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    sun rays through trees fallen tree by Virgin Falls

    This stock photo shows sun rays through the forest trees highlighting the leaves to a yellow hue.

    The sun rays follow the photo from the top left down towards the fallen tree's roots at the bottom right.

    There is a large fallen tree that lays along the gray rocks near the waters edge. The tree has been uprooted. This fallen tree extends the length of the photo. The tree's bark has been damaged and peeled from the trunk.

    Gray rocks lead up to the calming green waters of the river.

    The forest is densely populated. The trees are tall and thin with many branches and leaves.

    Rays of sunlight streaming through the forest near Virgin Falls, a transition area of the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

    sun rays through trees fallen tree by Virgin Falls
    Stock photo of sun rays stream through forest trees and there is a fallen tree on rocks near river.
    Stock photo ID
    cdn_22v_23929-ed.jpg - sun rays through trees fallen tree by Virgin Falls
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