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Stock photo: Sign entrance to Wood Mountain Post Provincial Historic Park Saskatchewan Canada

Stock photo of a sign at the entrance to Wood Mountain Post Provincial Historic Park, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Stock photo of Sign entrance to Wood Mountain Post Provincial Historic Park Saskatchewan Canada
Sitting in an open field is the entrance sign for Wood Mountain Post Provincial Historic Park.
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    Sign entrance to Wood Mountain Post Provincial Historic Park Saskatchewan Canada

    This stock photo shows the entrance sign to Wood Mountain Post Provincial Historic Park, Saskatchewan, Canada.

    Sitting in an open field of green grass, is the entrance sign for Wood Mountain Post Historic Park.

    The park sign is dark red with yellow lettering attached to a stone column and stone base.

    Behind the park sign is a dirt path along with several banners.

    The banners are predominately red with a gold stripe down the side. The banners are on black post surrounding a information table. Each banner has a person’s image on it.

    In the distance, is a flag flying behind the banners, along with trees and rolling hillside. The sky is bright blue with wonderful soft wisps of clouds spread throughout.

    Sign at the entrance to Wood Mountain Post Provincial Historic Park, Saskatchewan, Canada.

    Sign entrance to Wood Mountain Post Provincial Historic Park Saskatchewan Canada
    Stock photo of a sign at the entrance to Wood Mountain Post Provincial Historic Park, Saskatchewan, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_21075-ed.jpg - Sign entrance to Wood Mountain Post Provincial Historic Park Saskatchewan Canada
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