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Stock photo: Sandstone concretions Red Rock Coulee Natural Area Alberta

Stock photo of large boulders which are sandstone concretions formed in prehistoric seas seen in the Red Rock Coulee Natural Area situated 65 km southwest of Medicine Hat on Highway 887, Alberta, Canada.

Stock photo of Sandstone concretions Red Rock Coulee Natural Area Alberta
These large sandstone concretions sit in the Red Rock Coulee Natural Area.
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    Sandstone concretions Red Rock Coulee Natural Area Alberta

    This stock photo shows the large boulder formations which are sandstone concretions formed in prehistoric seas seen in the Red Rock Coulee Natural Area situated 65 km southwest of Medicine Hat on Highway 887, Alberta, Canada.

    These large formations are seen in the Red Rock Coulee Natural Area.

    The amazing and large sandstone concretions were formed in the prehistoric seas now sits upon the large valley.

    The concretions vary in size and shape. The large boulder in the foreground has layers of colors along with crevices and chips.

    The boulders sit in an open wet rocky valley with small patches of grass.

    Large Boulders which are sandstone concretions formed in prehistoric seas seen in the Red Rock Coulee Natural Area situated 65 km southwest of Medicine Hat on Highway 887, Alberta, Canada.

    Sandstone concretions Red Rock Coulee Natural Area Alberta
    Stock photo of large boulders which are sandstone concretions formed in prehistoric seas seen in the Red Rock Coulee Natural Area situated 65 km southwest of Medicine Hat on Highway 887, Alberta, Canada.
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    cdn_k3s17271-ed.jpg - Sandstone concretions Red Rock Coulee Natural Area Alberta
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