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Stock photo: Rain forest of Goldstream Provincial Park Victoria Southern Vancouver Island Vancouver Island

Stock photo of moss covered tree branches and the trunk of a western red cedar tree, Thuja plicata, during fall in the rain forest of Goldstream Provincial Park, Victoria, Southern Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

Stock photo of Rain forest of Goldstream Provincial Park Victoria Southern Vancouver Island Vancouver Island
Lush green foliage in the rain forest of Goldstream Provincial park, Victoria.
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Stock Photos from the collection "Atlantic Canada Stock Photos"

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    Rain forest of Goldstream Provincial Park Victoria Southern Vancouver Island Vancouver Island

    This stock photo shows lush green moss covered tree branches and the trunk of a western red cedar tree, Thuja plicata, during fall in the rain forest of Goldstream Provincial Park, Victoria, Southern Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

    The green moss is growing up the left side of the tree trunk. Thick green moss drapes the branches that hang in flowing curves.

    The rainforest is densely populated with slender brown tree trunks and an abundance of deep green foliage.

    A sprinkling of leaves turned an autumn gold show throughout.

    Tree branches covered with lush green moss and the trunk of a western red cedar tree, Thuja plicata, during fall in the rain forest of Goldstream Provincial Park, Victoria, Southern Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

    Rain forest of Goldstream Provincial Park Victoria Southern Vancouver Island Vancouver Island
    Stock photo of moss covered tree branches and the trunk of a western red cedar tree, Thuja plicata, during fall in the rain forest of Goldstream Provincial Park, Victoria, Southern Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
    Stock photo ID
    cdn_22v_22989-ed.jpg - Rain forest of Goldstream Provincial Park Victoria Southern Vancouver Island Vancouver Island
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