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Stock photo: Passengers Great Blue Heron tour boat Tobermory Fathom Five National Marine Park Lake Huron

Stock photo of passengers aboard the Great Blue Heron tour boat from Tobermory in the Fathom Five National Marine Park, Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada.

Stock photo of Passengers Great Blue Heron tour boat Tobermory Fathom Five National Marine Park Lake Huron
Several passengers stand on the deck of the tour boat, Tobermory, looking towards Flowerpot Island.
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    Passengers Great Blue Heron tour boat Tobermory Fathom Five National Marine Park Lake Huron

    This stock photo shows passengers enjoying the view aboard the Great Blue Heron tour boat from Tobermory in the Fathom Five National Marine Park, Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada.

    As they stand on the front deck of the Great Blue Heron tour boat, several warmly dressed passengers look towards Flowerpot Island.

    Flowerpot Island has layers of rock stacked into pillars along the shore of Georgian Bay. The pillars give the island its name, Flowerpot. Beyond the pillars are lush green hillside.

    Flowerpot Island is part of the Fathom Five National Marine Park.

    A sunny day with a bright blue sky and calm blue waters of Georgian Bay surround the tour boat. Georgian Bay is a large bay in Lake Huron.

    Passengers aboard the Great Blue Heron tour boat from Tobermory in the Fathom Five National Marine Park, Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada.

    Passengers Great Blue Heron tour boat Tobermory Fathom Five National Marine Park Lake Huron
    Stock photo of passengers aboard the Great Blue Heron tour boat from Tobermory in the Fathom Five National Marine Park, Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_13524-ed.jpg - Passengers Great Blue Heron tour boat Tobermory Fathom Five National Marine Park Lake Huron
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