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Stock photo: Market Stalls at Christmas Markets at Hexenagger Castle Hexanagger Bavaria Germany Europe

Stock photo of market stalls at the Christmas Markets at the Hexenagger Castle, Hexenagger, Bavaria, Germany, Europe.

Stock photo of Market Stalls at Christmas Markets at Hexenagger Castle Hexanagger Bavaria Germany Europe
Market stalls at the Christmas Markets at Hexenagger Castle in Hexanagger, Bavaria, Germany, Europe.
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    Market Stalls at Christmas Markets at Hexenagger Castle Hexanagger Bavaria Germany Europe

    This stock photo shows the wooden market stalls at the Christmas Markets at the Hexenagger Castle, Hexenagger, Bavaria, Germany, Europe.

    Along the stone walkway of the Hexenagger Castle, stalls are set up for the Christmas market. Evergreen branches lay upon the peaked roofs of the wooden market stalls.

    The market stalls look like small log cabins. An evergreen archway leads warmly dressed people to the stalls to look at the displays of merchandise for sale.

    The market stall in the foreground displays colorful crosses on a dark backdrop that hang on the doors of the stall.

    A green cloth is draped over a table inside the stall that displays several cases of jewelry. More of the decorative crosses hang over the jewelry.

    Market Stalls at the Christmas Markets at the Hexenagger Castle, Hexenagger, Bavaria, Germany, Europe.

    Market Stalls at Christmas Markets at Hexenagger Castle Hexanagger Bavaria Germany Europe
    Stock photo of market stalls at the Christmas Markets at the Hexenagger Castle, Hexenagger, Bavaria, Germany, Europe.
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    eur_k3s36956-ed.jpg - Market Stalls at Christmas Markets at Hexenagger Castle Hexanagger Bavaria Germany Europe
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