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Stock photo: Lead Keel Mississauga Ontario Canada

Stock photo of lead keel sits on a wood pallet, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

Stock photo of Lead Keel Mississauga Ontario Canada
The long and narrow lead keel is supported on a wood pallet.
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    Lead Keel Mississauga Ontario Canada

    This stock photo shows a smooth lead keel, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

    The gray keel is long smooth metal that curves out in the center and becomes narrow on the ends. The keel has several large round screws that are flat on the top. The screws are attached and spaced evenly apart.

    The lead keel is supported on a long wood pallet. The pine wood pallet has a long base and attached are three pieces of wood on each side. On top of the keel is another three pieces of wood and are set in between the screws. The wood frames and supports the keel.

    The three pieces on wood’s shadow reflects on the keel’s side. The shadows bend to the shape of the keel’s base.

    The keel sits in a warehouse. A few lights overhead shows other wood crates in the background.

    Lead Keel, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.

    Lead Keel Mississauga Ontario Canada
    Stock photo of lead keel sits on a wood pallet, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
    Stock photo ID
    cdn_22v_11632-ed.jpg - Lead Keel Mississauga Ontario Canada
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