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Stock photo: Illuminated tower of Schloss Castle Auerbach Germany

Stock photo of illuminated tower of Schloss Auerbach (Auerbach Castle), Bensheim-Auerbach, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

Stock photo of Illuminated tower of Schloss Castle Auerbach Germany
Illuminated tower of Schloss Auerbach (Auerbach Castle) in Bensheim-Auerbach, Hessen, Germany.
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    Illuminated tower of Schloss Castle Auerbach Germany

    This stock photo shows the tall illuminated tower of Schloss Auerbach (Auerbach Castle), Bensheim-Auerbach, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

    Concrete stairs lead to the glowing tower of the Auerbach Castle located in Hessen, Germany. A guard rail follows the stairs to the arched doorway of the castle.

    A wrought iron gate stands open to the doorway. To the right of the entrance, lush green vines grow on the walls of the castle. Just beyond the wall is the round tower glowing from the lights of the castle revealing the stones’ colors in shades of tan and brown.

    The wintry scene shows a leaf-less tree that dominates the castle’s wall. The contrasting dark night sky adds to the beauty of the ancient castle.

    Illuminated tower of Schloss Auerbach (Auerbach Castle), Bensheim-Auerbach, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

    Illuminated tower of Schloss Castle Auerbach Germany
    Stock photo of illuminated tower of Schloss Auerbach (Auerbach Castle), Bensheim-Auerbach, Hessen, Germany, Europe.
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    eur_mg_18533-ed.jpg - Illuminated tower of Schloss Castle Auerbach Germany
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