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Stock photo: Iglesia de San Mateo in Plaza de la Constitucion town of Banos de la Encina Spain

Stock photo of Iglesia de San Mateo in Plaza de la Constitucion, town of Banos de la Encina, Province of Jaen, Andalusia (Andalucia), Spain, Europe.

Stock photo of Iglesia de San Mateo in Plaza de la Constitucion town of Banos de la Encina Spain
Iglesia de San Mateo in Plaza de la Constitucion in the town of Banos de la Encina.
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    Iglesia de San Mateo in Plaza de la Constitucion town of Banos de la Encina Spain

    This stock photo shows the charming Iglesia de San Mateo in Plaza de la Constitucion, town of Banos de la Encina, Province of Jaen, Andalusia (Andalucia), Spain, Europe.

    A beautiful view of the exterior of the Iglesia de San Meteo is seen from the Plaza de la Constitucion in the town of Banos de la Encina.

    The view from the plaza shows a stone walkway with a round stone and mortar fountain. A small park bench sits in the plaza facing the stone fountain.

    Manicured trees are displayed in front of the church. The charming stone church has a tall decorative tower. In one of the arch windows along the top of the tower sits a clock.

    The doorway to the church is an arch with a distinctive wood door. The beautiful architecture continues in the buildings near the Iglesia de San Mateo.

    Iglesia de San Mateo in Plaza de la Constitucion, town of Banos de la Encina, Province of Jaen, Andalusia (Andalucia), Spain, Europe.

    Iglesia de San Mateo in Plaza de la Constitucion town of Banos de la Encina Spain
    Stock photo of Iglesia de San Mateo in Plaza de la Constitucion, town of Banos de la Encina, Province of Jaen, Andalusia (Andalucia), Spain, Europe.
    Stock photo ID
    eur_22v_2317-ed.jpg - Iglesia de San Mateo in Plaza de la Constitucion town of Banos de la Encina Spain
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