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Stock photo: Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral Blue Sky City Of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

Stock photo of the facade of the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral in the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. A gorgeous bright blue sky with a few huge fluffy white clouds make a beautiful backdrop for this very attractive building w

Stock photo of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral Blue Sky City Of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral City of Winnipeg Blue Sky Manitoba Canada
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    Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral Blue Sky City Of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

    This stock photo shows the intricately designed facade of the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral, City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. A stunning blue sky with a few large fluffy clouds is the backdrop for the building's facade, a mosaic depicting the Holy Trinity. This cathedral is the primatial throne of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada. The history of the Ukrainian Orthodox Holy Trinity Cathedral can be traced back to December 1945, when a group of prominent individuals met at St. Andrew's College to discuss the need of a new parish in Winnipeg's north end. The founding meeting took place on April 9th, 1946, and the site was purchased on May 16th, 1946. On September 11, 1949 the site was blessed and construction commenced. The cornerstone was blessed and laid on September 30, 1951. The Cathedral was officially opened and consecrated on July 8, 1962 by the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, Metropolitan Ilarion (Ohienko). The icon-screen of Iconostasis was installed in 1974, and the mosaic depicting the Holy Trinity, at the front of the Cathedral, facing Main Street was installed for the Millennium of Ukrainian Orthodoxy (1988), and was blessed by Metropolitan Wasyly. As a 50th Anniversary project, stained glass windows were installed and icons were painted inside the sanctuary.

    Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral Blue Sky City Of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
    Stock photo of the facade of the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral in the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. A gorgeous bright blue sky with a few huge fluffy white clouds make a beautiful backdrop for this very attractive building w
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    cdn_22v_18202-ed.jpg - Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral Blue Sky City Of Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
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