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Stock photo: Hay bales snow covered windmills Southern Alberta Canada

Stock photo of hay bales covered in snow in Cowley back dropped by windmills in Southern Alberta, Canada.

Stock photo of Hay bales snow covered windmills Southern Alberta Canada
Hay bales covered in snow in Cowley are back dropped by windmills in Southern Alberta, Canada.
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    Hay bales snow covered windmills Southern Alberta Canada

    This stock photo shows scattered hay bales covered in snow in Cowley back dropped by windmills in Southern Alberta, Canada.

    A winter scene reveals large rolls of hay sitting on the brown grassy field with patches of snow in Southern Alberta. The bales of hay are scattered throughout the open valley.

    A blanket of white snow lays on the top side of the large rolls of hay. Just beyond the bales of hay is the sun brightened snow covered hills which lead to six tall windmills or wind turbines.

    The wind turbines have three slender blades that turn in the wind currents to generate energy. A patch of trees and buildings sit in the far distance of the bales of hay. Large puffy clouds sit in the light blue sky just beyond the windmills.

    Hay bales covered in snow in Cowley back dropped by windmills in Southern Alberta, Canada.

    Hay bales snow covered windmills Southern Alberta Canada
    Stock photo of hay bales covered in snow in Cowley back dropped by windmills in Southern Alberta, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_33608-ed_4.jpg - Hay bales snow covered windmills Southern Alberta Canada
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