This stock photo contains the Day Lodge at the 2010 Whistler Olympic Park Nordic Sports Venue, Callaghan Valley, British Columbia, Canada. This is a snow filled winter scene with heavy accumulations on the ground, the lodge, and the mountains that span the upper portion of this view of the park. The Whistler Olympic Park is the location of the Nordic events facilities for the 2010 Winter Olympics and is located in the Madeley Creek basin in the Callaghan Valley, west of Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. The facility will host the biathlon, cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, and ski jumping, and after the Olympics will remain a public facility, complementing the extensive wilderness trails and alpine routes already in use. Three stadiums with both temporary and permanent features are being built with a capacity for 10,000 spectators each (6,000 for the Paralympics). 14 kilometres of cross country and biathlon trails, two ski jumps (90 and 120 metre), and another 20 to 25 km of recreational trails are being built. In the future, it will be a cross-country and back country ski facility. The location is approximately 8 km from the junction of its access road with Highway 99 and 14 km from the Whistler Olympic Village.