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Stock photo: Cute Donkey Hessenpark Germany Europe

Stock photo of Donkey at Hessenpark (Open Air Museum), Neu-Anspach, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

Stock photo of Cute Donkey Hessenpark Germany Europe
Front view of donkey at Hessenpark (Open Air Museum) in Neu-Anspach, Hessen, Germany, Europe.
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    Cute Donkey Hessenpark Germany Europe

    This stock photo shows the front view of a donkey at Hessenpark (Open Air Museum), Neu-Anspach, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

    A close up of the face of a donkey as he stands at the wood railing of the fence. He wears reins that is attached around his muzzle and the back of his ears.

    The red reins are frayed and the color has faded. The donkey has large brown eyes and soft thick fur.

    His ears are long with soft dark brown fur and white fur on the inside of the ear. He has a white muzzle around his black nose.

    The donkey’s fur is mostly a soft gray with a few patches of brown. He has a thin long mane down his head and neck.

    A donkey is also referred to as a burro or ass. The male is referred to as a jack and the female is a jenny.

    Donkey at Hessenpark (Open Air Museum), Neu-Anspach, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

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    Cute Donkey Hessenpark Germany Europe

    Cute Donkey Hessenpark Germany Europe
    Stock photo of Donkey at Hessenpark (Open Air Museum), Neu-Anspach, Hessen, Germany, Europe.
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    eur_22v_55567-ed.jpg - Cute Donkey Hessenpark Germany Europe
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