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Stock photo: Cowboy boots posts Great Sand Hills near Sceptre Saskatchewan Canada

Stock photo of cowboy boots hanging up on a frame at the entrance to The Great Sand Hills near Sceptre, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Stock photo of Cowboy boots posts Great Sand Hills near Sceptre Saskatchewan Canada
Old and scared cowboy boots hang on posts at the entrance of The Great Sand Hills near Sceptre.
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    Cowboy boots posts Great Sand Hills near Sceptre Saskatchewan Canada

    This stock photo shows cowboy boots hanging up on a frame at the entrance to The Great Sand Hills near Sceptre, Saskatchewan, Canada.

    A long wood pole sits on top of two wood poles. Attached to all of the poles are many cowboy boots. Very little of the wood poles can be seen.

    The cowboy boots are old and worn looking. The boots' leather is faded, with many scars and scrapes the boots.

    The boots are in different colors such as red, brown, tan, black, and even blue.

    The wood posts sit in a field of sand and patches of grass. In the distance is a wood fence with trees in the front of it. Smooth green hills sit further in the background.

    The sky is a wonderful blue with a few puffy white clouds add contrast to the green valley.

    Cowboy boots hanging up on a frame at the entrance to The Great Sand Hills near Sceptre, Saskatchewan, Canada.

    Cowboy boots posts Great Sand Hills near Sceptre Saskatchewan Canada
    Stock photo of cowboy boots hanging up on a frame at the entrance to The Great Sand Hills near Sceptre, Saskatchewan, Canada.
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    cdn_22v_21373-ed.jpg - Cowboy boots posts Great Sand Hills near Sceptre Saskatchewan Canada
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