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Stock photo: Courtyard of Hospital San Juan de Dios City of Granada Province of Granada Andalusia Spain

Stock photo of the Dome of the Basilica San Juan de Dios (church) seen from the courtyard of the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves - Hospital San Juan de Dios (San Juan de Dios Hospital), City of Granada, Province of Granada, Andalusia (Andaluci

Stock photo of Courtyard of Hospital San Juan de Dios City of Granada Province of Granada Andalusia Spain
The courtyard of the Hospital San Juan de Dios in the City of Granada.
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    Courtyard of Hospital San Juan de Dios City of Granada Province of Granada Andalusia Spain

    This stock photo shows the Dome of the Basilica San Juan de Dios (church) seen from the courtyard of the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves - Hospital San Juan de Dios (San Juan de Dios Hospital), City of Granada, Province of Granada, Andalusia, Spain, Europe.

    Framed in an ornate archway is the courtyard of the hospital. The stone courtyard has a fountain in the center surrounded by potted plants.

    The two stories of archways surround the courtyard. The third floor has a tiled roof.

    The beautifully detailed dome of the San Juan de Dios is in the background of the San Juan de Dios Hospital.

    Dome of the Basilica San Juan de Dios (church) seen from the courtyard of the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves - Hospital San Juan de Dios (San Juan de Dios Hospital), City of Granada, Province of Granada, Andalusia (Andalucia), Spain, Europe.

    Courtyard of Hospital San Juan de Dios City of Granada Province of Granada Andalusia Spain
    Stock photo of the Dome of the Basilica San Juan de Dios (church) seen from the courtyard of the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves - Hospital San Juan de Dios (San Juan de Dios Hospital), City of Granada, Province of Granada, Andalusia (Andaluci
    Stock photo ID
    eur_22v_1685-ed.jpg - Courtyard of Hospital San Juan de Dios City of Granada Province of Granada Andalusia Spain
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