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Stock photo: Colorful facades of buildings in Old Town district in City of Landshut Bavaria Germany Europe

Stock photo of colorful facades of buildings in the Old Town district in the City of Landshut, Bavaria, Germany, Europe.

Stock photo of Colorful facades of buildings in Old Town district in City of Landshut Bavaria Germany Europe
Colorful facades of the buildings in Old Town district in City of Landshut, Bavaria, Germany.
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    Colorful facades of buildings in Old Town district in City of Landshut Bavaria Germany Europe

    This stock photo shows colorful and decorative facades of buildings in the Old Town district in the City of Landshut, Bavaria, Germany, Europe.

    In the Old Town district in Landshut are buildings with attractive facades. Each building has its own decorative design and color.

    Each façade is different in style with its own architectural features. The buildings are a few stories tall with windows on each floor.

    All the windows are trimmed in white that stands out among the colors of the facades. A large roof of a Gothic style cathedral can be seen in the background of the decorative and colorful buildings.

    A tower of the cathedral sits in the far backdrop. A bright blue sky with small patches of soft clouds adds to the scenery.

    Colorful facades of buildings in the Old Town district in the City of Landshut, Bavaria, Germany, Europe.

    Colorful facades of buildings in Old Town district in City of Landshut Bavaria Germany Europe
    Stock photo of colorful facades of buildings in the Old Town district in the City of Landshut, Bavaria, Germany, Europe.
    Stock photo ID
    eur_22v_55419-ed.jpg - Colorful facades of buildings in Old Town district in City of Landshut Bavaria Germany Europe
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