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Stock photo: Clear Lake shoreline Riding Mountains National Park Manitoba Canada

Stock photo of Clear Lake, with dandelions and trees along the shoreline in Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba Canada

Stock photo of Clear Lake shoreline Riding Mountains National Park Manitoba Canada
Clear Lake, with dandelions and trees along the shoreline in Riding Mountain National Park.
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    Clear Lake shoreline Riding Mountains National Park Manitoba Canada

    This stock photo shows the long shoreline of Clear Lake in Riding Mountain National Park, in Manitoba, Canada.

    The peaceful blue lake is the to left of the photo, with a brown gold sand shoreline. Small brown rocks are scattered among the sand.

    The foreground is a field of dandelions with a blooms showing hint of gold tint and the weeds' green leaves abundant that run along the shoreline to the trees. Scattered in-between are a few brown stems of the dying dandelions.

    Large rocks are scattered in the background along with a wood sign.

    Further back is a large pine tree that stands tall with many smaller trees that run along the shoreline.

    The sky is overcast, with lots of dark puffy white clouds with a hint of blue sky in the very background.

    Shoreline of Clear Lake in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada.

    Clear Lake shoreline Riding Mountains National Park Manitoba Canada
    Stock photo of Clear Lake, with dandelions and trees along the shoreline in Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba Canada
    Stock photo ID
    cdn_22v_19496-ed.jpg - Clear Lake shoreline Riding Mountains National Park Manitoba Canada
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