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Stock photo: Christmas tree decorated windows building castle Ronneburg

Stock photo of a Christmas tree and decorated windows of a building in the grounds of Burg Ronneburg (Burgmuseum), Ronneburg Castle, Ronneburg, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

Stock photo of Christmas tree decorated windows building castle Ronneburg
Christmas tree and decorated windows of building on grounds of Burg Ronneburg.
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    Christmas tree decorated windows building castle Ronneburg

    This stock photo shows an attractive Christmas tree and decorated windows of a building on the grounds of Burg Ronneburg (Burgmuseum), Ronneburg Castle, Ronneburg, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

    On the grounds of the Burg Ronneburg, sits an evergreen tree decorated for Christmas. The tree is handsomely decorated with many ornaments in red and gold.

    In the background to the right of the tree are beautiful arch windows that stand out from the white stucco wall. Decorative medallions sit below each window.

    A Christmas decoration is in each of the window panes. A couple of smaller windows sit to the left of the tree also decorated with ornaments.

    The terra cotta colored frames of the windows are a complimentary contrast to the white exterior wall.

    Christmas tree and decorated windows of a building on the grounds of Burg Ronneburg (Burgmuseum), Ronneburg Castle, Ronneburg, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

    Christmas tree decorated windows building castle Ronneburg
    Stock photo of a Christmas tree and decorated windows of a building in the grounds of Burg Ronneburg (Burgmuseum), Ronneburg Castle, Ronneburg, Hessen, Germany, Europe.
    Stock photo ID
    eur_mg_18682-ed.jpg - Christmas tree decorated windows building castle Ronneburg
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