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Stock photo: Christmas markets outside the Romer (Town Hall) in the Romerplatz Frankfurt Hessen Germany Europe

Stock photo of the brightly colored Christmas markets outside the Romer (Town Hall) in the Romerplatz, Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

Stock photo of Christmas markets outside the Romer (Town Hall) in the Romerplatz Frankfurt Hessen Germany Europe
Christmas markets are busy with customers outside the Romer (Town Hall) in the Romerplatz.
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    Christmas markets outside the Romer (Town Hall) in the Romerplatz Frankfurt Hessen Germany Europe

    This stock photo shows Christmas markets outside the Romer (Town Hall) in the Romerplatz, Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

    Many shoppers walk among Christmas stores that are set up in front of office buildings. The three and four story buildings are backdrops to the smaller stores set up in front for Christmas shopping.

    The smaller stores line the street and vary in colors, lights and sizes. In the foreground, the store glows red with a blue slanted roof. The roof has three white and two gold stars on it.

    Behind the Christmas stores office buildings vary in architecture from a modern look with straight lines to a more ornate structure and bolder colors. This ornate structure also has a clock on it’s facing and a bell tower on the peak of its roof.

    Overlooking the store fronts is a green cathedral dome with a gold cross at the top.

    Christmas markets outside the Romer (Town Hall) in the Romerplatz, Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany, Europe.

    Christmas markets outside the Romer (Town Hall) in the Romerplatz Frankfurt Hessen Germany Europe
    Stock photo of the brightly colored Christmas markets outside the Romer (Town Hall) in the Romerplatz, Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany, Europe.
    Stock photo ID
    eur_ds3_0034-ed.jpg - Christmas markets outside the Romer (Town Hall) in the Romerplatz Frankfurt Hessen Germany Europe
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