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Stock photo: Big House Lower Fort Garry a National Historic Site Selkirk Manitoba Canada

Stock photo of Big House, Lower Fort Garry - a National Historic Site, Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada.

Stock photo of Big House Lower Fort Garry a National Historic Site Selkirk Manitoba Canada
Big House in Lower Fort Garry, a National Historic Site, Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada.
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    Big House Lower Fort Garry a National Historic Site Selkirk Manitoba Canada

    This stock photo shows the historical Big House at Lower Fort Garry - a National Historic Site, Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada.

    A white picket fence runs along the side of the green lawn to the house at Lower Fort Garry. A view of the house from the backyard shows a manicured lawn with sections of colorful flowers and plants.

    The Big House has a large section in white with windows and dark shutters surround the house. A gable window sits in the center of the dark shingled roof of the white section of the house.

    The section of the house on the right is a tan stone including a covered porch. The back of the house has a stairs leading to a covered porch.

    Three stone chimneys sit along the peaked roof of the house. Beautiful tall trees sit in the background of the house.

    Big House, Lower Fort Garry - a National Historic Site, Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada.

    Big House Lower Fort Garry a National Historic Site Selkirk Manitoba Canada
    Stock photo of Big House, Lower Fort Garry - a National Historic Site, Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada.
    Stock photo ID
    cdn_22v_18292-ed.jpg - Big House Lower Fort Garry a National Historic Site Selkirk Manitoba Canada
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