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Stock photo: Badminton racket and shuttlecock brand new

Stock photo of Badminton racket and shuttlecock brand new.

Stock photo of Badminton racket and shuttlecock brand new
Badminton racket and shuttlecock with a carrying case
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    Badminton racket and shuttlecock brand new

    This stock photo shows a brand new badminton racket and shuttlecock along with a carrying case.

    A new metal badminton racket lays on top of a black carrying case. The racket is designed in a metallic blue and black with white lettering on the handle.

    Rackets are generally made from different materials such as a carbon fiber composite to solid steel.

    The badminton racket has its Victor label attached to the head of the racket where the net of strings are. This badminton racket is the Thunder series of Victor according to its label.

    A modified shuttlecock in white with an orange base is used as the logo for Victor. A shuttlecock with bright yellow “feathers” and a white cork base lays on the handle of the racket.

    The black carrying case has white letters with the brand name of Victor and two white lines below the name.

    Badminton racket and shuttlecock brand new

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