hicker travel stock photography

Stock Photography License Request Form

We offer fair prices for rights managed photos.

Please provide us with as much information as possible about your planned use for the image.
The more information we have, the better we can ascertain your needs and offer you a fair quote.
Sounds complicated, but it`s not!

Our Image licenses start at $US 89.90

We accept credit card payments via free and secure online payment service paypal.

Our Images are available as High Resolution Files (300dpi) and are almost instantly available for download once we receive payment for the image license.
You may have the image file available within 5 minutes.

Stock photo/photos included in this License Request

Describe planned use of image:

To give you a quote we need at least this information:

Publication type (i.e. magazine, report, notecard, website, etc)

How large is the print run?

How large do you want to use the image?

Is the image used for advertisement?

You also could use our presets for your request:

Publication type

Planned size of image Size



We do respect your privacy!
Your email address will not be used for anything else except to answer your license request - you have our word!

Email adresse** (must be provided)

Name** (must be provided)





Please ensure you have entered your correct email address before pressing the submit button.
To refresh the captcha, just click it.

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